Cripes, I didn't realise just how long it had been since I last put some scribblings on here. I really am crap aren't I?
Anyhoo, the big news;
I am on a diet. I'm trying to lose weight with weight watchers and according to them I am allowed to scoff 30 "points" a day. It seems to be fairly straightforward to keep up with it. Although I did crack a little today and scoffed a KFC (2 Piece Variety Meal, 17 points) so a bit less supper for me!
The really tricky bit is when I am at home and mum is cooking - although she understands that I am trying to do this and does her best to help its hard to keep control and plan when someone else is doing the catering. 1 week down and I've gone from a lardy 105.8kg to a skinny 105.1kg (lol) or 16st 9lb to approx 16st 7.5lb it'll do for now anyway. BMI was 30.6 and now 30.4 so a small improvement but still in the "obese" category. Boo Hiss!
And now for some guff.
I've not had a great deal of opportunity of late to be Danni of late which I have struggled with, being unable to offer any expression of my girly side. Its probably been 6 weeks at a guess, with the London Picnic being the last time. Last night however I went to a gathering at my lovely friend Tree's house and met a number of Chixers (some old friends, some totally new to me) and it was absolutly lovely to be me for once.
Although *I* have not been able to be Danni I've still been in the community and trying to help other transfolk. I'm really pleased that I managed to help Susie Gray with her deed poll. Susie does not have a great deal of spare cash and would not have been able to pay for it herself for months or even years. Its been my great pleasure to help her with this, and the timing is significant - she is shortly to attend her first appointment at Charing Cross and its so much better to have some things in place before dealing with CX.
Anyway, lets see how long it takes me to blog next time!