Sunday, 15 August 2010

A fortnight? Really?

Gah, I wrote a huge long thing and blogger deleted it! ARRRRGGGHHHH!

Well, its been a busy old fortnight, with many occurances.

Thursday 5th August - To celebrate Pride at work we had a theme day on my floor. My team was designated as being "Treasure Island" so of course I decided to play up to it a little and turned up as a pirate wench!

That day, I also had an appointment with Occupational Health to discuss my exhaustion and lethargy at work and it was a total and utter waste of time! The OH woman claimed that she had read my file and knew what was going on but on discussion she simply said to me "You have a choice, either move or get a new job in Southampton" NEITHER of which are an option at the moment - on pointing this out she replied with "Well, cant you borrow some money from your parents" - considering I was speaking to Occ health earlier in the year about the situation with my folks and the amount of money I owe them I very nearly hit the roof! To top it off, when they sent their report to my manager they reccomended 6 hours off a week for a fortnight - we agreed a WHOLE day off (7 hours) - the 6 hour thing is totally and utterly pointless!

Sorry, mini rant there, back on Subject.......

Since the theme day at work there have been a few comments from people at work who found my "dressing up" funny, this made me feel somewhat uncomfortable and although I know that no malice was meant and the comments were born out of misunderstanding I felt that something needed to be done. What I did was the following, a nice group email to everyone in the team:

Hi Guys,

I would be grateful if you would please not discuss this with people outside of this team for the moment, and also allow those within the team to read this before any discussion.

After a few comments that I've received (nothing that I have deemed to be malicious, and I have no intention of naming names) I felt it necessary to write to the team as whole to clarify my situation, as I do not believe that everyone understands the same thing. I feel that I make a mistake on Thursdays theme day and that by attending in the manner that I did, I have inadvertently trivialised my situation. I am currently undergoing a great deal of turmoil regarding my gender identity alongside a number of other stresses in my life.

Whilst I live and attend work in a male guise, I do not feel that is me and at some point (timescale unknown) I have the intention of moving forwards to living full time as Female. I am sure you will all understand that this is a very difficult thing to deal with and I would appreciate your understanding and not attempting to make light of it. I would also ask that you please take a moment to think before making any comment. Should anyone have any questions I am perfectly happy to answer them (within reason), either face to face or by email.

Thank you

Since then, I've had a number of apologies and very supportive comments - possibly the BEST thing I have ever done at work!

Moving on to the Pride weekend itself, I was lucky enough to be able to stay with my good friend Tree and a few other reprobates that showed up. I had a great time wandering round the park and dancing away on the American Express float during the parade....

I took a dress down approach for pride, opting for comfort for the day rather than being a peacock, think my outfit turned out OK

Anyhooo life has been fairly straightforward since then, however I have found THE job I've wanted since joining Amex listed and I've got an interview for it on Tuesday. I'm very nervous about it and dont expect to get it (nothing good ever happens to me......) but I'm going to give it my best shot and try not to be dissapointed if it all goes wrong!

Having hopped on the scales this morning I couldn't quite believe my eyes - I thought the scales were reading wrong. 98.9kg (15st 8lb) - 1.5kg (3 1/3lbs) loss in the last week! I am now the least fat I have been within my adult life - from memory (wooooooooooooooooo!)

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