it seems I've been pretty piss poor at posting of late! I guess life overtook me somewhat. Oh well never mind!
So, as I write this todays weight measurent is 94.4kg! (thats 14st 12 in old money) meaning I have lost 11.5kg (25lbs) which Im quite chuffed with. Cant say that I can really see the difference but some of the peeps around me are commenting so I guess thats a good thing!
So, I guess the big news is that I've changed shifts at work now and the simple act of working 4 long days has meant that my working (and commuting) week has been cut by over 13 hours!! I'm also staying with my lovely friend Tree at the moment 2 nights a week which helps hugely.
Well, anyway I've been feeling pretty down of late about the trans thing. Nothing specific or quantifyable but more that I really cant be bothered to put loads of effort into it when a) I shouldn't have to in the first place and b) I just end up looking crap anyway! I'm certainly not spending any money on anything girly over the next few months and not till I get a place of my own when I can actually be me rather than having to pretend.
Meh, fuckit.
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