Christmas is over (and thank god for that!) Back to work tomorrow for a long shift and then off again till the new year.
I've been feeling pretty fed up with it all recently and have actually had to take a week off work with stress. Work is getting to me, the trans thing has been getting to me and the fokls have been getting to me.
I think that the biggest step I can take at this point is to move out, I have another glimmer of hope with respect to that - a friend of a friend has a room coming available soon and we have said that we will discuss it in the new year. On the face of it, it looks like a good prospect as I know the person and she knows me and the trans thing so I can be me without worry.
I've also decided that this year I AM replacing the Rover and it will be replaced with a MK1 Toyota MR2.
Anyway, lets see how 2011 goes.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
All quiet on the western front. Still fed up and wondering what to do with myself, weight up by 0.1kg - booooooo hisssssssss
Morris still not on the road, couldn't get some bits off the old cylinder head so replacements needed to be ordered. Bugger it.
Morris still not on the road, couldn't get some bits off the old cylinder head so replacements needed to be ordered. Bugger it.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Well, I think that I should have some witty social commentary to add in here but meh, fuck it. Nothing to comment on.
Weight loss is going OK down to 88.4kg now so getting there slowly.
I'm feeling pretty fed up about things at the moment and have been considering going down the self med route, I know its risky but it keeps popping up it head in my mind and I'm not quite sure what to do. Past experience dictates that I'm going to have one heck of a game registering with a quack.
Things feel pretty sucky for me at the moment and I'm at a low ebb, probabally not too far from where I was about this time last year when things really went wrong. Work sucks its all stress for little reward at the moment and theres so much bullshit being spouted with the change in comission. Our individual commission is now decided by what the person we speak to thinks of the company as a whole - not suprisingly the last 4 call reviews have gone against me (despite 3 being very good!) what kind of crazy world is it where "very good" is deemed to be derogatory??
In time honoured fashion, fuck it
Weight loss is going OK down to 88.4kg now so getting there slowly.
I'm feeling pretty fed up about things at the moment and have been considering going down the self med route, I know its risky but it keeps popping up it head in my mind and I'm not quite sure what to do. Past experience dictates that I'm going to have one heck of a game registering with a quack.
Things feel pretty sucky for me at the moment and I'm at a low ebb, probabally not too far from where I was about this time last year when things really went wrong. Work sucks its all stress for little reward at the moment and theres so much bullshit being spouted with the change in comission. Our individual commission is now decided by what the person we speak to thinks of the company as a whole - not suprisingly the last 4 call reviews have gone against me (despite 3 being very good!) what kind of crazy world is it where "very good" is deemed to be derogatory??
In time honoured fashion, fuck it
Monday, 15 November 2010
Well, to say that I am snarfed off with myself is a teensy bit of an understandment. I am such a fucking moron. Im stupid because I allowed myself to get all excited over this stupid flat without actually doing the mature thing and looking at the maths too. I cant fucking afford it! I cant afford to move anywhere it seems.
How in hell can I not afford to even live anywhere!? Its not even like I'm on a minimum wage
I feel so amazingly angry with myself for getting excited, so frustrated that I seem to be getting nowhere and I feel even worse about me.
I guess I was looking forwards to actually getting out and getting going to to speak, to actually have the freedom to be me. I feel so dissasociated from my physical presence at the moment its untrue and its driving me nuts. I guess that my negative feelings towards myself in general have given the trans stuff a kick up the arse. Maybe it'll rev down again in a bit. Maybe not.
In the meantime. FUCK IT!
Well, to say that I am snarfed off with myself is a teensy bit of an understandment. I am such a fucking moron. Im stupid because I allowed myself to get all excited over this stupid flat without actually doing the mature thing and looking at the maths too. I cant fucking afford it! I cant afford to move anywhere it seems.
How in hell can I not afford to even live anywhere!? Its not even like I'm on a minimum wage
I feel so amazingly angry with myself for getting excited, so frustrated that I seem to be getting nowhere and I feel even worse about me.
I guess I was looking forwards to actually getting out and getting going to to speak, to actually have the freedom to be me. I feel so dissasociated from my physical presence at the moment its untrue and its driving me nuts. I guess that my negative feelings towards myself in general have given the trans stuff a kick up the arse. Maybe it'll rev down again in a bit. Maybe not.
In the meantime. FUCK IT!
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Bit lax
Has it really been over a month since I last posted anything?? Wow!
I guess its because I've been feeling a bit down about things again of late. I didn't end up buying the pickup that I mentioned in my previous post. I wound up buying a different car on the 13th. "Agatha" a 1968 Morris Minor 2 door in Maroon, absolutly rock solid and very tidy looking - but a little reluctant to start (but thats not too much of an issue, everything else is pretty damned good and mechanicals can be fixed easily) I am only the third owner - the previous lady owned it for the last 32 years!
As for me, I've been pretty down on the trans thing of late and everything girly that I own is currently stashed away in the bottom of my wardrobe. I did say that its not coming out again until I have my own place (more on that later) but I have made an exception for the works LGBT group (Pride Network) party, which I am really looking forwards to! The theme is "Glitz and Glamour" and I'm a little worried about that as I am simply not a glam person! I have nothing, and no idea what, to wear!
I guess another reason for feeling naffed off with everything at the moment is the diet, its not really been going well at all. This morning though I have actually got to a net loss in the first time in yonks, I've beaten the 90kg mark now (14st 2 at the mo) so feeling a little more positive about it all again.
Anyway, the big news - on Wednesday I was offered a flat to rent by a colleague who is moving in with his other half. Its a very large studio, recently decorated with all its own facilities and we've agreed a mates rates type deal. I can move in anytime between Jan and March so I am now working damned hard to get the cash to pay off my folks before march (£1500 required) so I'm planning on getting in some overtime at work and getting a whole load of DVDs and other odds and sods onto ebay (dual purpose - I wont have to move everything with me...)
So with any luck I will be moving out of the parents place (AT LAST!!!!) into my own little place in the middle of Hove (bliss)
Anyway lets see how this week pans out...
I guess its because I've been feeling a bit down about things again of late. I didn't end up buying the pickup that I mentioned in my previous post. I wound up buying a different car on the 13th. "Agatha" a 1968 Morris Minor 2 door in Maroon, absolutly rock solid and very tidy looking - but a little reluctant to start (but thats not too much of an issue, everything else is pretty damned good and mechanicals can be fixed easily) I am only the third owner - the previous lady owned it for the last 32 years!
As for me, I've been pretty down on the trans thing of late and everything girly that I own is currently stashed away in the bottom of my wardrobe. I did say that its not coming out again until I have my own place (more on that later) but I have made an exception for the works LGBT group (Pride Network) party, which I am really looking forwards to! The theme is "Glitz and Glamour" and I'm a little worried about that as I am simply not a glam person! I have nothing, and no idea what, to wear!
I guess another reason for feeling naffed off with everything at the moment is the diet, its not really been going well at all. This morning though I have actually got to a net loss in the first time in yonks, I've beaten the 90kg mark now (14st 2 at the mo) so feeling a little more positive about it all again.
Anyway, the big news - on Wednesday I was offered a flat to rent by a colleague who is moving in with his other half. Its a very large studio, recently decorated with all its own facilities and we've agreed a mates rates type deal. I can move in anytime between Jan and March so I am now working damned hard to get the cash to pay off my folks before march (£1500 required) so I'm planning on getting in some overtime at work and getting a whole load of DVDs and other odds and sods onto ebay (dual purpose - I wont have to move everything with me...)
So with any luck I will be moving out of the parents place (AT LAST!!!!) into my own little place in the middle of Hove (bliss)
Anyway lets see how this week pans out...
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Driving off into the sunset
Well, first things first, its been another good weight loss week, down to 92kg now (thats 14lb 6st)and I'm not sure quite how it happened! Oh well that makes me feel pretty good anyhow!
As I'm sat writing I have literally just sold the Morris, its been gone less than 10 minutes and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm glad to have the money but I said that I would never sell it and I'm feeling a little gutted that its now gone. I have however been offered the oppertunity to buy a Morris Pickup from someone I know online and whilst its not exactly what I want its certainly a tempting concept.
In other news, at work I had my first meeting with my career mentor (all organised through the pride group at work) and she came up with some really positive suggestions for me and things to look at. I forsee it being a very useful relationship to have....
As I'm sat writing I have literally just sold the Morris, its been gone less than 10 minutes and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm glad to have the money but I said that I would never sell it and I'm feeling a little gutted that its now gone. I have however been offered the oppertunity to buy a Morris Pickup from someone I know online and whilst its not exactly what I want its certainly a tempting concept.
In other news, at work I had my first meeting with my career mentor (all organised through the pride group at work) and she came up with some really positive suggestions for me and things to look at. I forsee it being a very useful relationship to have....
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Another week down
Diet is going OK, Not helped by the folks taking us all to a fish and chips restuarant on Thursday night, but hey. Still lost this week. Down to 93.4kg and I cant be arsed to work out what that is in old money
The car has been an absolute nightmare this week and I've almost had to do more work to it in the last few days as bits have fallen off than I've done in the whole of the last 5 years.
I spent the whole of Wednesday prepping it for the MOT - which it passed with a little bit of fiddling with the headlights. However, on getting it home part of the rear wood section collapsed with rot. During the process of fixing it the rear doors broke and needed replacement then the car wasn't running properly.
The list goes on and on, lets see what it does when I try and sell it...
The car has been an absolute nightmare this week and I've almost had to do more work to it in the last few days as bits have fallen off than I've done in the whole of the last 5 years.
I spent the whole of Wednesday prepping it for the MOT - which it passed with a little bit of fiddling with the headlights. However, on getting it home part of the rear wood section collapsed with rot. During the process of fixing it the rear doors broke and needed replacement then the car wasn't running properly.
The list goes on and on, lets see what it does when I try and sell it...
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Motoring on.
Just to get the obligatory bit out of the way. Down to 94.0kg (14st 11) so hardly a great loss - but its a loss all the same so thats good!
To be frank, the last week has been pretty much a non-event. I've spent most of it at work doing shedloads of overtime. I've been downright skinted and had to borrow some cash off my old man.
The reason for the loan? The Cat! The silly little sod has done something to his noggin, so £40 down and i have some cream to rub on his head and he's turned into a lampshade head. I've been trying to sell all the stuff I have at home that I never use and I've managed to sell a gearbox to a friend for £40 so I have enough cash to get through to payday on Thursday.
The big news though... Someone came to look at the Morris Today and they actually want to buy it! So that'll be a nice £1500 when it passes the MOT. So, this has got me thinking about what I want to get to replace it. Its got to be capable of everyday use and the trek between Southampton and Brighton, less than £1000 and be "interesting". The current thinking is another Minor an early Minor 1000 saloon. But these have been thought about too:
Sierra Xr4x4. Well within budget, fast, comfortable but likely to be bloody expensive to insure and a pain in the arse to fix
Mini. Unlikely to be able to get a decent one within budget
Triumph Vitesse - bit boring and dont know a great deal about them
Triumph Spitfire - too expensive for a good un
Beetle - just no......
Any other thoughts??
To be frank, the last week has been pretty much a non-event. I've spent most of it at work doing shedloads of overtime. I've been downright skinted and had to borrow some cash off my old man.
The reason for the loan? The Cat! The silly little sod has done something to his noggin, so £40 down and i have some cream to rub on his head and he's turned into a lampshade head. I've been trying to sell all the stuff I have at home that I never use and I've managed to sell a gearbox to a friend for £40 so I have enough cash to get through to payday on Thursday.
The big news though... Someone came to look at the Morris Today and they actually want to buy it! So that'll be a nice £1500 when it passes the MOT. So, this has got me thinking about what I want to get to replace it. Its got to be capable of everyday use and the trek between Southampton and Brighton, less than £1000 and be "interesting". The current thinking is another Minor an early Minor 1000 saloon. But these have been thought about too:
Sierra Xr4x4. Well within budget, fast, comfortable but likely to be bloody expensive to insure and a pain in the arse to fix
Mini. Unlikely to be able to get a decent one within budget
Triumph Vitesse - bit boring and dont know a great deal about them
Triumph Spitfire - too expensive for a good un
Beetle - just no......
Any other thoughts??
Sunday, 19 September 2010
God, I've been pretty awful!
it seems I've been pretty piss poor at posting of late! I guess life overtook me somewhat. Oh well never mind!
So, as I write this todays weight measurent is 94.4kg! (thats 14st 12 in old money) meaning I have lost 11.5kg (25lbs) which Im quite chuffed with. Cant say that I can really see the difference but some of the peeps around me are commenting so I guess thats a good thing!
So, I guess the big news is that I've changed shifts at work now and the simple act of working 4 long days has meant that my working (and commuting) week has been cut by over 13 hours!! I'm also staying with my lovely friend Tree at the moment 2 nights a week which helps hugely.
Well, anyway I've been feeling pretty down of late about the trans thing. Nothing specific or quantifyable but more that I really cant be bothered to put loads of effort into it when a) I shouldn't have to in the first place and b) I just end up looking crap anyway! I'm certainly not spending any money on anything girly over the next few months and not till I get a place of my own when I can actually be me rather than having to pretend.
Meh, fuckit.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Indecent proposal
Well, first things first its been another loss this week. Down to 97.8kg now (meaing I've lost 8kg (17.5lbs) over 8 weeks! Well chuffed with that =)
The interview for the job went OK I suppose and I expect to hear on Monday (very much prepared for a negative response though!)
The real gossip this week though is that I have set up a profile on adultwork.com for chat/webcam/SMS work to try and get a little bit more cash coming in. Its all a bit of a giggle really =o)
The interview for the job went OK I suppose and I expect to hear on Monday (very much prepared for a negative response though!)
The real gossip this week though is that I have set up a profile on adultwork.com for chat/webcam/SMS work to try and get a little bit more cash coming in. Its all a bit of a giggle really =o)
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Nicked from Jess2Impress
Well, a little poem from Jess that I have nicked and slightly modified;
I'm a little T Girl proud and out,
Here is my handbag and here is my pout
When you trip me over, my tits fall out,
I put them back in and sort myself out
I'm a little T Girl proud and out,
Here is my handbag and here is my pout
When you trip me over, my tits fall out,
I put them back in and sort myself out
Sunday, 15 August 2010
A fortnight? Really?
Gah, I wrote a huge long thing and blogger deleted it! ARRRRGGGHHHH!
Well, its been a busy old fortnight, with many occurances.
Thursday 5th August - To celebrate Pride at work we had a theme day on my floor. My team was designated as being "Treasure Island" so of course I decided to play up to it a little and turned up as a pirate wench!

That day, I also had an appointment with Occupational Health to discuss my exhaustion and lethargy at work and it was a total and utter waste of time! The OH woman claimed that she had read my file and knew what was going on but on discussion she simply said to me "You have a choice, either move or get a new job in Southampton" NEITHER of which are an option at the moment - on pointing this out she replied with "Well, cant you borrow some money from your parents" - considering I was speaking to Occ health earlier in the year about the situation with my folks and the amount of money I owe them I very nearly hit the roof! To top it off, when they sent their report to my manager they reccomended 6 hours off a week for a fortnight - we agreed a WHOLE day off (7 hours) - the 6 hour thing is totally and utterly pointless!
Sorry, mini rant there, back on Subject.......
Since the theme day at work there have been a few comments from people at work who found my "dressing up" funny, this made me feel somewhat uncomfortable and although I know that no malice was meant and the comments were born out of misunderstanding I felt that something needed to be done. What I did was the following, a nice group email to everyone in the team:
Since then, I've had a number of apologies and very supportive comments - possibly the BEST thing I have ever done at work!
Moving on to the Pride weekend itself, I was lucky enough to be able to stay with my good friend Tree and a few other reprobates that showed up. I had a great time wandering round the park and dancing away on the American Express float during the parade....
I took a dress down approach for pride, opting for comfort for the day rather than being a peacock, think my outfit turned out OK

Anyhooo life has been fairly straightforward since then, however I have found THE job I've wanted since joining Amex listed and I've got an interview for it on Tuesday. I'm very nervous about it and dont expect to get it (nothing good ever happens to me......) but I'm going to give it my best shot and try not to be dissapointed if it all goes wrong!
Having hopped on the scales this morning I couldn't quite believe my eyes - I thought the scales were reading wrong. 98.9kg (15st 8lb) - 1.5kg (3 1/3lbs) loss in the last week! I am now the least fat I have been within my adult life - from memory (wooooooooooooooooo!)
Well, its been a busy old fortnight, with many occurances.
Thursday 5th August - To celebrate Pride at work we had a theme day on my floor. My team was designated as being "Treasure Island" so of course I decided to play up to it a little and turned up as a pirate wench!
That day, I also had an appointment with Occupational Health to discuss my exhaustion and lethargy at work and it was a total and utter waste of time! The OH woman claimed that she had read my file and knew what was going on but on discussion she simply said to me "You have a choice, either move or get a new job in Southampton" NEITHER of which are an option at the moment - on pointing this out she replied with "Well, cant you borrow some money from your parents" - considering I was speaking to Occ health earlier in the year about the situation with my folks and the amount of money I owe them I very nearly hit the roof! To top it off, when they sent their report to my manager they reccomended 6 hours off a week for a fortnight - we agreed a WHOLE day off (7 hours) - the 6 hour thing is totally and utterly pointless!
Sorry, mini rant there, back on Subject.......
Since the theme day at work there have been a few comments from people at work who found my "dressing up" funny, this made me feel somewhat uncomfortable and although I know that no malice was meant and the comments were born out of misunderstanding I felt that something needed to be done. What I did was the following, a nice group email to everyone in the team:
Hi Guys,
I would be grateful if you would please not discuss this with people outside of this team for the moment, and also allow those within the team to read this before any discussion.
After a few comments that I've received (nothing that I have deemed to be malicious, and I have no intention of naming names) I felt it necessary to write to the team as whole to clarify my situation, as I do not believe that everyone understands the same thing. I feel that I make a mistake on Thursdays theme day and that by attending in the manner that I did, I have inadvertently trivialised my situation. I am currently undergoing a great deal of turmoil regarding my gender identity alongside a number of other stresses in my life.
Whilst I live and attend work in a male guise, I do not feel that is me and at some point (timescale unknown) I have the intention of moving forwards to living full time as Female. I am sure you will all understand that this is a very difficult thing to deal with and I would appreciate your understanding and not attempting to make light of it. I would also ask that you please take a moment to think before making any comment. Should anyone have any questions I am perfectly happy to answer them (within reason), either face to face or by email.
Thank you
Since then, I've had a number of apologies and very supportive comments - possibly the BEST thing I have ever done at work!
Moving on to the Pride weekend itself, I was lucky enough to be able to stay with my good friend Tree and a few other reprobates that showed up. I had a great time wandering round the park and dancing away on the American Express float during the parade....
I took a dress down approach for pride, opting for comfort for the day rather than being a peacock, think my outfit turned out OK
Anyhooo life has been fairly straightforward since then, however I have found THE job I've wanted since joining Amex listed and I've got an interview for it on Tuesday. I'm very nervous about it and dont expect to get it (nothing good ever happens to me......) but I'm going to give it my best shot and try not to be dissapointed if it all goes wrong!
Having hopped on the scales this morning I couldn't quite believe my eyes - I thought the scales were reading wrong. 98.9kg (15st 8lb) - 1.5kg (3 1/3lbs) loss in the last week! I am now the least fat I have been within my adult life - from memory (wooooooooooooooooo!)
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Another week, another dollar
Well, pound actually. I'm now down to 15st 12lb (101.0kg) which is quite nice. Only a small loss this week but a loss is a loss!
I'm not sure there is a great deal to report otherwise
I'm not sure there is a great deal to report otherwise
Saturday, 24 July 2010
No Scales shots this time
Well, its been a fortnight since my last post (this must be some kind of record hahahha)
I've had to forgo the normal Sunday weigh in as I wont be near a scale on Sunday morning so did it today.
I've gone down into the 15 stones! Wahoooooooo! Now 15st 13 and getting closer to being a skinny minny!
In other news, I spent the whole of last weekend (well, Sat eve, sun, mon, tues) being me and I had a fabulous time just chilling out and relaxing.
I'm now heading off to a roller disco in Hertfordshire. Wish me luck....

one of the best pics from the weekend
I've had to forgo the normal Sunday weigh in as I wont be near a scale on Sunday morning so did it today.
I've gone down into the 15 stones! Wahoooooooo! Now 15st 13 and getting closer to being a skinny minny!
In other news, I spent the whole of last weekend (well, Sat eve, sun, mon, tues) being me and I had a fabulous time just chilling out and relaxing.
I'm now heading off to a roller disco in Hertfordshire. Wish me luck....
one of the best pics from the weekend
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Just for the benefit of bexbag
Its been that long!?
Cripes, I didn't realise just how long it had been since I last put some scribblings on here. I really am crap aren't I?
Anyhoo, the big news;
I am on a diet. I'm trying to lose weight with weight watchers and according to them I am allowed to scoff 30 "points" a day. It seems to be fairly straightforward to keep up with it. Although I did crack a little today and scoffed a KFC (2 Piece Variety Meal, 17 points) so a bit less supper for me!
The really tricky bit is when I am at home and mum is cooking - although she understands that I am trying to do this and does her best to help its hard to keep control and plan when someone else is doing the catering. 1 week down and I've gone from a lardy 105.8kg to a skinny 105.1kg (lol) or 16st 9lb to approx 16st 7.5lb it'll do for now anyway. BMI was 30.6 and now 30.4 so a small improvement but still in the "obese" category. Boo Hiss!
And now for some guff.
I've not had a great deal of opportunity of late to be Danni of late which I have struggled with, being unable to offer any expression of my girly side. Its probably been 6 weeks at a guess, with the London Picnic being the last time. Last night however I went to a gathering at my lovely friend Tree's house and met a number of Chixers (some old friends, some totally new to me) and it was absolutly lovely to be me for once.
Although *I* have not been able to be Danni I've still been in the community and trying to help other transfolk. I'm really pleased that I managed to help Susie Gray with her deed poll. Susie does not have a great deal of spare cash and would not have been able to pay for it herself for months or even years. Its been my great pleasure to help her with this, and the timing is significant - she is shortly to attend her first appointment at Charing Cross and its so much better to have some things in place before dealing with CX.
Anyway, lets see how long it takes me to blog next time!
Anyhoo, the big news;
I am on a diet. I'm trying to lose weight with weight watchers and according to them I am allowed to scoff 30 "points" a day. It seems to be fairly straightforward to keep up with it. Although I did crack a little today and scoffed a KFC (2 Piece Variety Meal, 17 points) so a bit less supper for me!
The really tricky bit is when I am at home and mum is cooking - although she understands that I am trying to do this and does her best to help its hard to keep control and plan when someone else is doing the catering. 1 week down and I've gone from a lardy 105.8kg to a skinny 105.1kg (lol) or 16st 9lb to approx 16st 7.5lb it'll do for now anyway. BMI was 30.6 and now 30.4 so a small improvement but still in the "obese" category. Boo Hiss!
And now for some guff.
I've not had a great deal of opportunity of late to be Danni of late which I have struggled with, being unable to offer any expression of my girly side. Its probably been 6 weeks at a guess, with the London Picnic being the last time. Last night however I went to a gathering at my lovely friend Tree's house and met a number of Chixers (some old friends, some totally new to me) and it was absolutly lovely to be me for once.
Although *I* have not been able to be Danni I've still been in the community and trying to help other transfolk. I'm really pleased that I managed to help Susie Gray with her deed poll. Susie does not have a great deal of spare cash and would not have been able to pay for it herself for months or even years. Its been my great pleasure to help her with this, and the timing is significant - she is shortly to attend her first appointment at Charing Cross and its so much better to have some things in place before dealing with CX.
Anyway, lets see how long it takes me to blog next time!
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
I really am being rubbish at posting here aren't I? Oh well better to be disorganised, scatty and fun than an organisation Nazi I suppose.
Theres been no great shakes since my last post, but I am feeling a little better in myself. Uni is now completed (as of Wednesday) it feels really weird being out of education for the first time in 2 decades but its superb - means I have more time for me and to get out there and do the things I want to do.
Now, as a post uni pat on the back to myself, I have made a small investment - a home IPL machine! Sadly its second hand, but has apparently seen very minimal use (used once...) but for the sake of £40 it has to be worth a punt?
As much as I want to jump straight in and start zapping the hairs on my face, I dont think thats the sensible way forward - after all, I'm not sure how well this is going to work and I dont want to risk a disfigured mug. I'd rather let the professionals deal with that (after all, other body parts can be covered up without a burka!)
I'm not looking forwards to tomorrow, as I have to do the great garage clearout and remove a years worth of clutter, clothes, furniture and car bits - then I have to find somewhere for it all to go!!! At this point its going to be nessecary to cull a lot of my clothes that I keep there (not a purge, but a downsize) as space to keep them will be very limited.
Ho hum, lets see what happens!
I really am being rubbish at posting here aren't I? Oh well better to be disorganised, scatty and fun than an organisation Nazi I suppose.
Theres been no great shakes since my last post, but I am feeling a little better in myself. Uni is now completed (as of Wednesday) it feels really weird being out of education for the first time in 2 decades but its superb - means I have more time for me and to get out there and do the things I want to do.
Now, as a post uni pat on the back to myself, I have made a small investment - a home IPL machine! Sadly its second hand, but has apparently seen very minimal use (used once...) but for the sake of £40 it has to be worth a punt?
As much as I want to jump straight in and start zapping the hairs on my face, I dont think thats the sensible way forward - after all, I'm not sure how well this is going to work and I dont want to risk a disfigured mug. I'd rather let the professionals deal with that (after all, other body parts can be covered up without a burka!)
I'm not looking forwards to tomorrow, as I have to do the great garage clearout and remove a years worth of clutter, clothes, furniture and car bits - then I have to find somewhere for it all to go!!! At this point its going to be nessecary to cull a lot of my clothes that I keep there (not a purge, but a downsize) as space to keep them will be very limited.
Ho hum, lets see what happens!
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Progress Slow
Seems I am being truly crap at posting to this blog - perhaps I should set myself a rule that I should post something every sunday? Might help me be a bit more disciplined!
Theres been nil progress since my last post - the local surgery refused to register me so I am currently GP less which is a pain in the bottom. They will however agree to see me if theres an emergency - which is a relief.
Over the last week or so my mind has pretty much been dominated by the trans thing and I've been feeling pretty low about it all - not least the realisation that living on my own is at least 12 months away - thats was a complete sucker punch! To try and speed things along a bit I've put my beloved Morris Minor (which I spent 4 years returning to the road) for sale - I hope it doesn't sell to be honest but if it does then thats a little more money for the kitty...
Ho hum.....
Theres been nil progress since my last post - the local surgery refused to register me so I am currently GP less which is a pain in the bottom. They will however agree to see me if theres an emergency - which is a relief.
Over the last week or so my mind has pretty much been dominated by the trans thing and I've been feeling pretty low about it all - not least the realisation that living on my own is at least 12 months away - thats was a complete sucker punch! To try and speed things along a bit I've put my beloved Morris Minor (which I spent 4 years returning to the road) for sale - I hope it doesn't sell to be honest but if it does then thats a little more money for the kitty...
Ho hum.....
Friday, 2 April 2010
Well, here we are then!
Its taken a long time for me to be true to myself, to realise who I actually am and emerge from the mask of terminology and identity that I have hidden behind up until now. The purpose of this blog is for me to record my thoughts and feelings as I make my transition from male to female. Although I've made it open for all to see and comment on, its largely for my benefit so that I can look back and see the progress that I have made.
At the start of this process I'm spending nearly all of my time as Dan; an overweight mid 20s bloke. Come the end of this I'm hoping to be Danni a late 20s, slim, attractive, lady.
I'd like to think that I am able to portray a somewhat convincing feminine image already, although I am far from polished & perfect. I feel that I have a LOT of work to do before I will "pass" to the majority of people.
In the very short term my first mission is to actually get to the doctors to discuss it all and get to see a specialist Gender Counsellor and (hopefully) get on hormones - although that may well take a little bit longer.
I've been meaning to get this going for a few days, but can't sleep so out comes the laptop and away we go.
Wish me Luck
Danni xx
At the start of this process I'm spending nearly all of my time as Dan; an overweight mid 20s bloke. Come the end of this I'm hoping to be Danni a late 20s, slim, attractive, lady.
I'd like to think that I am able to portray a somewhat convincing feminine image already, although I am far from polished & perfect. I feel that I have a LOT of work to do before I will "pass" to the majority of people.
In the very short term my first mission is to actually get to the doctors to discuss it all and get to see a specialist Gender Counsellor and (hopefully) get on hormones - although that may well take a little bit longer.
I've been meaning to get this going for a few days, but can't sleep so out comes the laptop and away we go.
Wish me Luck
Danni xx
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