Friday 2 April 2010

Well, here we are then!

Its taken a long time for me to be true to myself, to realise who I actually am and emerge from the mask of terminology and identity that I have hidden behind up until now. The purpose of this blog is for me to record my thoughts and feelings as I make my transition from male to female. Although I've made it open for all to see and comment on, its largely for my benefit so that I can look back and see the progress that I have made.

At the start of this process I'm spending nearly all of my time as Dan; an overweight mid 20s bloke. Come the end of this I'm hoping to be Danni a late 20s, slim, attractive, lady.

I'd like to think that I am able to portray a somewhat convincing feminine image already, although I am far from polished & perfect. I feel that I have a LOT of work to do before I will "pass" to the majority of people.

In the very short term my first mission is to actually get to the doctors to discuss it all and get to see a specialist Gender Counsellor and (hopefully) get on hormones - although that may well take a little bit longer.

I've been meaning to get this going for a few days, but can't sleep so out comes the laptop and away we go.

Wish me Luck

Danni xx

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